Westica was a nation of free individuals for thousands of years until Sküljagger and his men took over the island in less than a day.
The Kiltish army, led by Captain Lucius Khan Sküljagger, captured the island of Westica; making the citizens into their slaves. They were ruled over with an iron fist. The only day that the people felt free anymore was on Mask Day; where they would dress up in green masks and become invisible to the Kiltish army. Stories about how life was better before Sküljagger arrived proliferated freely on that one day of the year and lifted the morale of the common people of the island for the other days of the year. Storm Jaxon steals Sküljagger's magical sword so that he can free the people of Westica. When Mask Day was cancelled due to the fiasco, the Westicans decided to revolt.
After ten years of mining for gems that made Sküljagger and his crew into rich men, they were ready to take back their nation from their captors.
PLAYERS: 1 Player
GENRE: Action, Adventure
RATING: E-Everyone