The fat rats of Gotham City are scurrying for cover--Catwoman is on the prowl, and out to sink her claws into their scruffy hides. KEMCO's debut of DC Comic's coolest cat on Game Boy Color is giving Batman fans and action gamers something big to howl about.
The first thing you'll notice when you plug in this Pak is the emphasis on intuitive, easy-to-learn game play. Catwoman features plenty of incredible flying kicks and punches, but you don't have to break your thumbs figuring out a bunch of complicated button commands. Learning to crush the bad guys is as easy as batting around a ball of string. Of course, fur-flying action is only part of the fun--if you want to keep your nine lives, you'll have to rely on cat-like stealth and cunning. Think like a feline and you'll find your way into seemingly inaccessible areas, places Gotham hoodlums would never expect to find you...until it's too late. Meow.
PLAYERS: 1 Player
GENRE: Action, Platform
RATING: E-Everyone