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Socom 3: U.S. Navy Seals (PS2)

SKU: PS2-Socom3-21


Virtual Navy SEALs are deployed in another high-stakes adventure of clandestine operations and global intrigue, as Sony's SOCOM series returns for its third tour of duty. Like earlier editions, SOCOM 3 features squad-based assaults against well-protected, heavily armed targets. Multiplayer modes challenge teammates to work together, while solo players can give orders to squad members through a new "Team Command Actions" context-sensitive interface. Vehicles play a bigger role in this adventure, on land and in the water. Both human- and AI-controlled characters can pilot available Humvees and SOC-R Assault Boats. Also new in this edition is a weapon customization system that allows soldiers to equip various attachments to their weapons, for almost a thousand possible combinations.



PLAYERS: 1 Player, 2-32 Players (Network)

GENRE: Action, FPS

RATING: M-Mature